
Monday, August 24, 2009

Today's Thrifty Treasures

I'm so excited to finally be linking to Rhoda's blog!

Yesterday my friend Lindsay and I hit up the local flea market in our area. There are rows and rows of vendors, and it is a blast! My only complaint is that it takes place on Sunday mornings - so you have to wake up early to squeeze it in before church. Oh, well - I will willingly forgo sleep for a yard sale or flea market!

Here's almost everything I found yesterday:

--- Left plate 50 cents, right plate 25 cents, little glass w/cork 25 cents, picture frame 50 cents, and the two tin signs were 50 cents for the pair (those were a steal if you ask me!) ---

The plates will be added to my "wall of plates" - I'll post about that another day. I think the tin signs will look really cute with my fall decorations and the glass bottle will be added to my bathroom collection. The frame will be used to put in one of Luke's new professional pictures. I love what I found - and there's one more item I purchased for $1.50 that I'll post as soon as I finish tweaking it.

There's nothing better than a successful yard sale or flea market adventure. :)


  1. haha I love the blog! I'm reading at first just thinking I am going to have to search for your name to read the blog, well as I'm reading I'm thinking oh how wierd this girl has a friend and went to the flea market too...and then it dawned on me...this is Jess' blog. haha very cool and I will be a faithful reader or I mean blogger :)

  2. Wow - you got some great items for only 2 dollars!

  3. Great finds! I love the plates and the tin words are awesome!!

  4. Jess,

    Good to see your blog up and running again! And CONGRATULATIONS on your precious baby boy! Funny about our profile...seriously no problem at all. :)

    Have a fantastic day.


  5. What fantastic find! LOVE the little signs, and they sure were a steal!! Wish I could find signs like that!! :) joanne xx

  6. Love those "great treasure find" days!
    pk @ Room Remix


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