I've been taking Luke out on walks with the stroller, and I noticed there were some great pinecones and acorns in the parking lot of a nearby church. *Light bulb!* I grabbed some pinecones, some cool crunched leaves, some acorns, some brown twigs, and I even threw in some purple-tinted corn husks from this day.

I added a cheap plain white candle from Big Lots (*love* that store), and the bowl was complete. I love how "rustic" it looks.
In other news, my poor baby has to get his first round of vaccines today. Thank goodness Chris (my husband) can come along to help because I am not very good at being brave for Luke when he's in pain (basically because I'm crying, too!). My poor sweet boy has no idea what's coming in two hours!
(Here he is, peacefully sleeping in his baby-crack machine - aka his new swing.)
Hope you have a (pain-free) weekend! :)
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