Otherwise, let's get on with the party!

I left for the Dollar Store with several ideas in my head, but I hadn't been to the Dollar Tree in months so I had to look around for a while to see what my options were. I put a bunch of stuff in my cart, waiting for inspiration to hit. As I went by the fake flowers, I noticed "Onion Grass" (chives to me!) in the selection. *Ding - light bulb! :)
I immediately remembered this picture from the Ballard Designs March catalog:
Notice the onion-grass display on the table? It's not even for sale (that I know of), but I circled it immediately because I knew that was something I eventually wanted to attempt. (I'm not even gonna try to pretend that mine looks as good as theirs, but I only had the Dollar Tree to work with, remember!)
I picked up two packages of onion grass (the last two they had), a square floral foam, and.....
confectioner's sugar.
That's right! I searched every aisle of that store for a low, rectangular container and could.not.find one. I really wanted the project to have angles and not be in a round container. You should have seen me in there, holding up my onion grass to all sorts of different shaped boxes, trying to make it work. I'm sure the employees thought I was bonkers.
To complete this project, I also used burlap (left over from this and these) and a scrap piece of ribbon I had that was wrapped around my box of Target baby-shower thank you cards (I always save ribbon I like - you never know when it will come in handy!).
I cut the top of the box, took the sugar out, and painted it a uniform shade of brown (it's not the shade that matters; I just didn't want bright yellow and blue showing through the burlap). The next few pictures are kinda yellowy because they were taken during Mommy's happy hour(s) - Luke's bedtime! :)
I also took some of the cut-out cardboard and used it to bulk up the sides.
Once it dried, I simply tucked and folded the burlap in and hot-glued it.
In process (it's not supposed to look pretty inside!):
One of the tucked in sides:
Here's what it looks like when finished:
I waited until after this point to cut the floral foam, since I didn't know how much fabric would be on the inside, bulking up the box.
Once I had cut the floral foam to size, I started snipping off about 2 or 3 inch sections of grass to insert. Since the grass is not very wide on its own, it really helps to insert several pieces at the same time so that you can ensure that it will stay.
Here's what it looks like when you start:
Here's how it looks after one stalk was in:
And in its finished state. I hot-glued the ribbon around it for a little something extra.
I thought about trimming the grass to the same length,
but I decided that I liked the natural look.
And there you go! Ballard-inspired grass for only FOUR dollars!
Check out Lindsay's blog for other $5 inspiration! J
I love to find a great deal on something, and then I love to talk about it (my poor husband! haha). Every girl loves to show off a bargain, right? But there have been so many times I’ve purchased something and found that there’s no blog party that fits the description for me to showcase it in. There’s plenty of craft parties, recipe parties, even yard-sale parties. There’s frugal parties, sure, but you can only show house finds or groceries.
There’s no one party to showcase anything you find on the cheap.
Enter….me! J
Next week, on March 31st,
I’m going to be hosting a weekly party called:
(Don’t you love the alliteration?!
I’m a teacher and some habits just die hard. Or don’t die at all…)
I want each and every one of you to come!
(I’ll even let you bring a plus one and you don’t have to RSVP ;).
as long as you’ve bought it for $50 or less.
(I’m operating on a tight budget these days and trying to make the most of our income, and I’m willing to bet that most of you are, too. I don’t know about the rest of you, but when people show off their “bargain” finds that were $500 and more, I get a little bit jealous. I’m striving for financial contentment, which is why there’s a limit on your purchase price).
Think of this party as a bunch of vitual girlfriends to show your great deals to!
Find a fabulous pair of earrings from Old Navy on clearance? Show it here.
Shop at CVS and get all of your household items for free? This is the place!
Find a bunch of cute stuff for your kids at Goodwill? Absolutely.
An adorable purse or set of note cards on clearance from Marshalls? You bet!
Do you get the idea?
Any purchase goes, as long as it was a bargain in some way
and cost you less than $50.
Groceries, TJ Maxx, yard sales, Walgreens, Craigslist, Goodwill – it is ALL OKAY!
I do want to add that this IS NOT a DIY party – purely thrifty purchases. If you buy something at a yard sale, great! If you paint it and replace the knobs, well, save it for another party or I will have to delete it (and that’s no fun!).
I know that lots of you are amazing bargain hunters and find some fabulous items on a weekly basis. I figured that by hosting the party on Wednesdays, it gives you all some time to jump on a great deal if it's applicable to you and your area of the country.
(Oh, and if you don’t have a blog but want to share,
you’ll be able to do that in the comments – or send me a picture and I’ll feature you!)
So will you join me?? Pretty, pretty please?
I promise there will be great food and lots of dancing.
Okay so I can’t really promise that, but I can GUARANTEE you the company will be nice!
Let me know if you think you’re in! And remember, MARCH 31ST - save the date! J
Onion Soup Mix
1/4 Cup dried minced onion
2 TBS instant beef bullion (or chicken bullion)
{I used one package of "chicken" bouillon" and found that to be flavorful enough. Again, you need to sub MSG-free bullion here for the recipe to be "clean."}
1/2 tsp onion powder
Here's what it looks like combined into sour cream for dip -you'll notice it's not as dark as the normal OSM:
Word of warning: I didn't realize there was a difference between "instant" and "regular" bouillon cubes until I tried to chisel mine apart. Apparently I bought the kind that only dissolves in water! So I popped it in the food processor and blended it until it was ground.
I have to say, both Chris and I agreed that this tastes just like the real thing! Took all of 5 minutes - definitely worth my time to eat something made completely of spices.
If you try it yourself, let me know how it turns out for you! If you don't have a health food store near you, I found an online company that sells MSG-free bouillon cubes. (I've never ordered from them so I can't vouch for their security - just wanted to offer that information!)
If you've found any other great "clean" links I'd love to see them!
Happy eating! :)
Linked to the following foodie parties:
Tasty Tuesday @ Beauty and Bedlam
Tuesdays at the Table @ All the Small Stuff
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday @ Blessed With Grace