
Thursday, April 22, 2010

20 Ways I’m Not Like Other Twenty-Somethings

This list was created because after talking to my friend one day she laughed when she told me to text her and then remembered I can’t text on my phone.  We were laughing about what an “old lady” I am – which led me to think of other ways I’m different from other people our age.  Hence, this list:

1.  I’m married.

2.  I own my own home (okay well technically the bank owns about 75% of still).

3.  I have a 9-month old.

4.  I got engaged when I was 20 and married at 21 (I had already graduated; my birthday’s in December).

5.  My cellphone?  A trackfone from Target. 

6.  I don’t text.  Ever.  (This is partially because if I combined texting with Facebook, I don’t see how I would have time to do anything!)

7.  I also don’t tweet (although I have a Twitter account, you know, just in case).

8.  We don’t have cable (I watch all my shows on the internet).

9.  We don’t have any car loans.

10.  Which explains why I drive a super-hot, super envy-inducing 2001 Pontiac Trans Am.  Did I mention it’s gold? Oh, be jealous. 

11.  I can my own jams (with a lot of help) :).

12.  I have two coupon binders and I store back issues of coupons in a magazine holder.

13.  I have a price-chart in one of my coupon binders of the rock-bottom prices of our most-used items.

14.  My parents stopped paying for things a long, long time ago.

15.  I cook from scratch for nearly every meal.

16.  Going to yard sales is my favorite way to spend a Saturday morning.

17.  I don’t have a credit card (although we are paying one off).

18.  My current profession?  Stay at home mom. 

19.  Deals at the drugstores make my heart beat faster.

20.  I am happy with my life. :)


What about you?  Am I alone out there or do you see yourself in any of these items?  Do you feel different from some of your high school and college friends?  I’m so curious to know!

Oh, and I promise I really am a fun person!  Feel free to back me up if you know me IRL!  hahahahaha


  1. Ditto #s 1, 12, 14, 16 and 20 for me! I'm the first to marry from my crowd of friends but a lot of them are in long-term relationships so it's really not too weird.

  2. I think we have a lot in common! But are a good 10 years younger. (LUCKY!)

  3. Let's see...
    I also have a Twitter account, but don't tweet.
    I am married, own a home, stay at home with my baby.
    I drive a 2000 Camry with a little rust on the hood.
    We don't have car payments.
    There are others, but these ones were the big ones!

    So, yup, I understand where you're coming from. :)

  4. I know I'm into my 30's already ... but I share a lot of those things in common with you. {and did in my 20's too!}

    I think all of those things show great maturity and that you are making wonderful {debt free} plans for your family and your future! Most ppl in their 30's, 40's and 50's would only dream of having it all together like you do! =)

  5. I agree with 80% of those, haha! While my other friends are out at bars and living the Sex and the City life, I'm here with my house, my husband, one year old, and pregnant. No cable (we have a large antenna), clipping coupons, engaged at 21 and married at 22, and a lovely 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan (paid cash!).

    Sometimes it's hard to relate and I've lost some friends as a result (it was just too hard and we were just too different), but I'm not ashamed to admit that Garage Sale's are the highlight of my weekend, haha! You're not the only one out there ;)

    -Ann Marie

  6. Hi, I'm Kristin and I'm a fairly new subscriber. I could have written 90% of your list! (I don't do coupons - yet.) I have a feeling we have a lot in common, including going to Cedarville! My husband and I also met there, and graduated in '03. I don't have a housey blog yet, but you can find my personal one at if you want to put a face with the comment. I've ejoyed your blog!

  7. Me too girl! I feel the same way! Of course, the way you described your life is the same as mine and my husbands. I guess the only difference--or you forgot to mention---is that me and my husband fall asleep watching TV by 9 usually! Ha!

  8. I discovered your blog one day and thought that you seemed alot like me (sensibility wise); then I discovered that we have a LOT in common.

    Lets see which ones I agree with...
    1. I’m married. (10/06/06)

    3. I have a 9-month old. (07/15/09)

    4. I got engaged when I was 20(18) and married at 21 (19)

    5. My cellphone? The most basic model possible.

    6. I don’t text. (Though I can receive them)

    7. I also don’t tweet (although I have a Twitter account, you know, just in case).

    8. We don’t have cable (I watch all my shows on the internet).

    9. We don’t have any car loans.

    10. Which explains why I drive a super-hot, super envy-inducing 2001 Pontiac Trans Am. Did I mention it’s gold? Oh, be jealous. (how about a 96 Jeep Grand Cherokee?)

    11 Wow, one I don't do

    12. I have two coupon binders and I store back issues of coupons in a magazine holder. (I know discounts and usually get almost everything cheaper at little non chain stores in my area)

    13. I have a price-chart in one of my coupon binders of the rock-bottom prices of our most-used items. (They're memorized)

    14. My parents stopped paying for things a long, long time ago. (try 18)

    15. I cook from scratch for nearly every meal.

    16. Going to yard sales is my favorite way to spend a Saturday morning.

    17. I don’t have a credit card (although we are paying one off). (Debt free as of 1 year ago - I LOVE Dave Ramsey and his teachings :)

    18. My current profession? Stay at home mom.

    19. Deals at the drugstores (or anywhere) make my heart beat faster.

    20. I am happy with my life. :)

    21. Church is a major part of my life

    22. Staying at home and relaxing with my husband sounds better than going out.

    23. With the exception of harry potter (family tradition) I haven't been to the movie theatre in years.

    Oh, and I just recently moved to a little town in PA from a not so little coastal town in CT too!

  9. I got married when I was 20, which made me the first of all my friends. I also had my first daughter when I was 22. For a long time, it seemed there was a huge divide in the way I lived my life and they lived theirs. Now that we're all inching toward 30, things are leveling off, the way things tend to do. But for a while, it was a lonely feeling. Like another commenter, a few friends and I went our separate ways because we just couldn't connect anymore. However, through all of that, I made other friends on the same path as I was who have proved to be great relationships. Sure, sometimes I had the "grass is greener" twinge, but I am very happy with our choices. :) You are not alone.


  10. I'd have to say it sounds like you have your head on straight and it a much better place than most people your age. Good for you, you should be proud of your accomplishments thus far in your life. :)

  11. Lol! Hilarious! I certainly see myself in a lot of these things. :) My husband and I always joke about how we act like old people though we are still technically young.

    I would add, nothing is more satisfying than drifting off to sleep and glancing at the clock to see that it reads 10:17, or somewhere around there. Love my sleep! :)

  12. So fun to see so many comments. Like many other people, my list is almost exactly the same as yours! No baby or coupons (yet), but my mom always says I was born and old soul - always good to know other old souls!

  13. Hi..I’m Barb from Fri. Follow. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @
    & get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well.

  14. Although I have only known Jessica for a couple of years, she is a fun person. She has a sensitive spirit, very creative, why she became a teacher I am not sure because she does such a great job with interior decorating. She loves her husband Chris and their little baby boy. I do thinks she should take up scrapbooking! And I have a Walmart cell phone and hate texting; it is quite out of date but it works.

  15. Hi! Thanks for following my blog (Being Made New) and commenting on my math post. I love this post, by the way! I'm older than you, but was similar to this in my 20s - counter to many of my friends. I'm following you now; look forward to reading more.

  16. Powerful! That's awesome! Jenn

  17. I was you when I was in my 20's, although back then we didn't have cell phones, twitter and the rest. I was a stay at home mommy and loved it. I'd never trade that time with my kids for anything. You remind me a lot of my 26yo daughter. She and her husband don't have kids yet, but she matches a lot of things on your list. Everyone does life differently and should do what suits them. Your friends will eventually catch up and then they will be asking you for all sorts of advice!


  18. We're definitely a lot alike. (Although I think I'm much more unique in real life than it seems in the blogosphere. I'm sure it's the same with you. I don't have any children yet, and I work outside the home. But, we also don't have cable, I text very rarely, and I'm all about a good sale (with a coupon of course). I, too, am quite content. Albeit a little boring. But, content and happy.


I'd love to hear from you! Comments make my day! :) I generally respond to comments right here on my blog. If you have a more specific question for me, you are always welcome to e-mail me at blessedlifeblog{at}gmail{dot}com.