
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Miscellany Monday {7} – Fall Weekend Edition

Our weekend was pretty awesome.  I think that by definition a miscellaneous list is supposed to be totally random but these are all kinda under the header of my weekend so we’re just gonna let the technical definition slide a little today.

1.  My Saturday started out with getting these lovelies (but in gray – I promise they look waaaaaay better than this picture below ) for only $18 after sale and gift cards.  Nope, I just couldn’t wait for Santa.  Chris He can bring me tall brown riding boots for my birthday and/or Christmas, if he happens to be reading this.  ;) Oh my heavens, I am in love.  It’s still kind of a shock to my child-of-the-80’s system to wear anything that is considered “slouchy,” but I’m getting over it REAL FAST. 

White Mountain Shoes, Freefall Boots

2.  Saturday afternoon included fresh apple cider, a wagon ride, and lots of cute pumpkin pictures at a local orchard.  It was a perfect Saturday afternoon, and it was great.  Except for the fact that it was literally impossible to keep this child still or actually looking at the camera for a cute pumpkin-patch picture.  Hey, last October he could barely hold his head up, so I’ll take what I can get!  Toddlerhood is way more fun!

pumpkin patch 2010 045   pumpkin patch 2010 037



3.  Speaking of my child, on Friday we went to the doctor for his 15-month check-up.  His head circumference, once again, measures off the charts.  This is the second time a medical professional has told me I should be really thankful I had to have a c-section!  hahahaha!

4.  My poor baby is also on antibiotics for a cough that just wouldn’t go away and ended up being the beginning of bronchitis or pneumonia – the doctor thought it was the start of either one.  I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor when he said that.  Pneumonia is no joke for babies! Let me encourage you – if your child has a cough that won’t go away, make sure it gets checked out.  We had already taken him to the doctor once and they said he sounded fine, but at the follow-up they finally heard it in his lungs.  So thankful that my baby is on the mend!  Those meds work fast!  

5.  Today in church our pastor was preaching about Satan from Ephesians.  In his defense, I personally thought the message was interesting, but I will admit it was pretty warm and cozy in the sanctuary.  All of a sudden from the back of the room comes this loud, LONG snore.  Like imagine a piggy has just found a whole bunch of table scraps in his pen!  hahaha!  You guys, it was SO bad!  People kinda giggled quietly but we were all just kinda waiting to see what Pastor Bob would do.  He got really quiet and then just burst out laughing, and then everyone laughed out loud with him!  He said, “Sorry I’m putting you to sleep back there!”  Oh my gosh, it was so funny.  I think the best part was the elderly woman behind me who whispered loudly to her husband, “If I was that person I would get out of here as soon as possible!”  Oh my gosh, good times with the body of Christ! 

6.  For the past 5 days, we have been in negotiations with another offer on our house.  We have been back and forth about price, and we finally received word this afternoon about the buyer’s final offer – she will not budge above a certain amount.  It is NOT what we wanted (who wouldn’t want more money?!) but we decided to agree to it because winter is coming and we don’t want to put more oil in our tank and we just want to be able to move on from all of this house drama.  Well, we haven’t heard from the realtor again all. day.  I am just so nervous that this is going to happen to us again and we are going to come to an agreement only to find the person has backed out.  I would SO appreciate prayers that we get a call tomorrow that this person is all set and ready to go!  We do know she wants to close by December 1st at the latest, which is great news because we wouldn’t have to add any more oil to keep the house from freezing.  I’d reeeeeally appreciate just even a one sentence prayer as you’re reading this!  Thanks ladies! 

7.  And lastly, to leave you on a happy note, I strongly encourage you all to go out and try Starbucks’ Salted Carmel hot chocolate if you’ve never done so before: 

I have heard about this for YEARS and finally bought one last night on my date to Starbucks with Chris (with an espresso shot added) and HOLY CRAP is it amazing.  I may or may not have embarrassed my DH with the involuntary moaning.  I promise I really did try to stay quiet.  LOL!  I have been thinking about it alllllll daaaaaaaay.  Don’t think about the calories (mine was nonfat milk and still super rich) – just enjoy. 

Have a great week!  :)

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Image via


  1. Still praying for your house. I can totally understand wanting to sell it for a certain price but I can also see how you just want to be done with it too. God is in control Jessica and he knows the desires of your heart.

    I LOVE the salted caramel hot chocolates! They are SO good. I got one last week and stood there stalking the barista while she made it. She was very sweet and actually told me everything that went into it.

    I want some brown riding boots too. But I have never worn boots and I am not sure what all to wear them with. My skinny jeans I guess? I could probably use some since most of my winter shoes are flats. I have a feeling that might not cut it in New England here soon. :) What do you usually wear?

    And the lady snoring in church? Priceless!! Did she wake up whenever everyone was laughing? :)

  2. Love the boots. My husband is a pastor and I always wonder what he'll do if somebody started snoring. We've only been out of school a little over 2 years and we haven't caught anybody yet!:) I hope you have a great week. I jumped over from Carissa's!

  3. OH! I love those boots! Hope your little one gets better! I laughed out loud on the #5. I have seen that happen at church before. Hilarious! and I will have to give that hot chocolate a try. i go to starbucks often so this is a must.

    Thanks for sharing your randomness

  4. Salted caramel hot chocolate. check. (well tomorrow anyaway :) )

  5. I love the boots, you now have me wanting grey boots! I found the cutest dress at goodwill for 4 bucks and it's grey and yellow - so grey leggins and grey slouchy boots would look awesome to wear with it this winter! =)

    that SB treat looks sooooo yummy, the next time I have a few bucks for a treat I'm going to try one of those.

    Happy Monday!!

  6. I am so glad you introduced yourself...what an honor it is for me to have you follow along! So nice to meet you :)!

  7. That Starbucks Hot Chocolate sounds AMAZING...I'm going there first thing in the morning just so I can try one! So glad to find your sweet it!


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