
Monday, November 1, 2010

Miscellany Monday {8}

1. It’s November. IT’S NOVEMBER! There is frost on the ground today. I feel like it was just August a second ago and now I blinked my eyes and we’re here. November means the arrival of my most favorite holiday (that’s Thanksgiving in case you weren’t sure. lol). Cannot.wait.

2. I may or may not have jumped the gun and bought myself brown riding boots this week. In my defense, I just couldn’t help myself. I saw these beauties laying on the floor in a heap at my Target:

Product Image Girls' Xhilaration® Hearthstone Riding Boots - Brown

I saw that the tag said size 5 and I knew they’d never fit, but they looked adorable and just what I’d been looking for, so I went up and down the aisles looking for them with no luck. Finally I decided to just squeeze them on to see if I semi-liked them before I asked an associate to find me one in my size.

You guys, they fit! I am normally a 6 1/2 or 7! And these fives are a little roomy! On further inspection I noticed that the tag said “girls,” and sure enough, there were TONS of them in the girls section! Best of all, they were originally $24.99, on sale for $22! I just couldn’t wait for Christmas. I thought about it for like 5 seconds, but I had money from teaching music lessons so I bought them myself. Oh mylanta, do they make me happy.

boots 005

Twenty-two dollars! Size FIVE! KID’S SHOES!!! Craaaaaazy right?! :)

3. I have been thinking a lot about design ideas for my next house. It’s kinda what gets me through the day when I’m so bummed out about not being in my own house for the holidays. The other day I came across this fabulous transformation and I cannot stop thinking about this high-drama teal wall:

imageImage via

I have always thought of myself more as a Pottery Barn, cream and brown kinda girl, but I can’t get this living room out of my head! I love SO many things about it. So now I am thinking of scrapping the soft blue and brown and white palate we used to have in our bedroom and doing something crazy fun like this in our next house. We shall see. You should really click the link to see the before and after! :)

4. I learned from typing #3 that the computer does not recognize “fro” as a misspelled word. What a hip spell-check. hahaha! {Um, thank you Kelli for pointing out below that fro IS a real word. Blonde moment! haha!}

5. I gained 4 pounds since I’ve been here at my parents’ house. Four pounds in less than 3 months. Yowza. There are a multitude of reasons why this is, but bottom line is that I DO have control over what I eat and I need to just own up to that. I’ve made it my goal to lose 4 pounds before Thanksgiving. Just one measly pound a week. I really think I can do this! Anyone else want to drop a few pounds before the holiday? Let me know and we can encourage each other. I will check back in next week and let you know how I did. (Whew, how’s that for accountability?!).

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. LOVE the boots!! I just got a similar pair at Target and love them, they are so comfortable!

  2. Those boots are SUPER cute! And kid sized? WOW! That would never work on my HUGE feet, but good for you! :)

    And spellcheck didn't get it because 'fro' is a word! ;) As in 'to and fro'... It just isn't like we use it all that often.

  3. What fun boots...and you got such a great deal too! I'm not much of a boot person, but that is probably because I live in flip flops for 75% of the year:)

  4. Hi, new follower from MM. Always nice to see a fellow New Englander's blog :). And yes, those boots are very cute!

  5. I think I gained 4 pounds just cooking for a Halloween party this weekend! I'm game for accountability in losing weight!

  6. love the boots and the living room transformation...and yes, I need some motivation to lose weight!!!! I have fallen off the wagon these last few days. I will check back with you in a few days to see how you're doing...if you don't hear from me, find me and yell at me!

    thanks for stopping by to check out my family room the other day!


  7. Jessica, I wear kids shoes often because my feet are a women's size 5 (which are hard to find!) So, I normally wear a 3 1/2 or a 4 in little girl's shoes. I don't know why the sizes are different. Seems silly to me! Love the boots!

  8. I'm a bit jealous -- frost on the ground. It was 84 here today!

  9. Love the boots. I got my "riding boots" at Target, too, and I've had so many compliments on them. Love that.

  10. I saw your blog on 329 sycamore. Just last night I found those boots at Target and the only size they had was a 4. It was just a little too small. Went on line at Target and found them. They were $22.00 and get a second pair 1/2 half off. I am glad I am not the only grown woman who wears children shoes. I love being able to wear children's shoes. Especially when there this cute.


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