
Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Busy, Busy Week!

{This turned out way longer than I thought.  Next week I will try not to save all my adventures for one post! haha}

I feel like I practically traveled all over the states of Rhode Island and Connecticut this week!  It was a fun week but honestly a little tiring and I’m kinda glad it’s over and I have NOTHING else on the agenda except special music for church tomorrow with Chris.  Chris and I really try to be intentional about staying at home a lot, especially in the last two years since we have had Luke.  That has meant saying “no” to lots of other commitments (most often from people who need help at church).  Don’t get me wrong, we have always been a part of the church body, but there comes a point where church commitments can supersede family and marriage time and that's just not for us.  We just don’t desire to be busy non-stop 24/7 – we don’t see that as healthy for our family or marriage.  So anyway, my week might seem lame/tame to some of you who constantly have to be on the go, but to me it was chock-full! 

Monday night my sister called and wanted to know if i wanted to go to the outlets with her (about 40 minutes away).  It was a fun girls’ night out (we got Five Guys! yum) but the outlets were a total BUST as my sister would say. :)  We went to two different outlet malls and this was literally the only thing I found that I liked/was willing to pay for:

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That’s right, a plain ol’ white tee from J. Crew.  Borrrrring!  Honestly, I was really happy about it because it was on clearance for only $5 plus change, and I needed a new white t-shirt because mine was kinda ratty. 

On the way home, we stopped at Pier 1 because I had seen through Money Saving Mom that Pier 1 was giving away $10 coupons.  We both printed them out and had fun searching through the store for items that would bring us as close to $10 as possible.  We are either cheap or smart depending on your perspective, I guess! I found this girly oven mitt, which I loooove, and a hefty white platter (actually I think it’s technically a dinner plate - that’s American appetites for you!- but I’m going to use it as a platter).  My total was only $1.11! Whoo hoo! 

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Then we came home and watched Bachelorette like I mentioned in my last post. Still thinking JP for sure!  (Was it killing anyone else how she told JP that her and Constantine had come to a “mutual agreement” that they shouldn’t be together? Jill and I were like, “Honey, actually he left YOU!”  lol I do respect him for that, but I did feel bad for her.) 

Tuesday I drove to Newport, RI to visit my friend Abby (if you haven’t ever checked out her blog, you should definitely do so!)  I’m pretty sure I was like her 2nd follower and now she’s practically world-famous.  :)  She has the cutest outfits and she has really good decorating taste (as well as awesome recipes).  And since it’s no secret that I am obsessed with all things Southern, I just love listening to her talk with her drawl and the way she says “y’all” all the time.  hahaha!  We met a few months ago and we’ve hung out a couple times since.  She made me an awesome lunch and I loved seeing how she decorates in person.  

Unfortunately, my child was literally the spawn of you-know-who that day (think running in front of cars, throwing fits, spitting in the house, you name it!) so we had to cut our visit short.  I was so frazzled I only took like 3 pics – so here is her son Graham with Luke in the playground behind their house.  I’m pretty sure Luke threw that chalk immediately afterward. 

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Wednesday I ran errands and then at night I went to a Wildtree tasting way up in Cranston, RI.  Wildtree is the company I just signed up to be a  part of (I really will do a post all about it someday!) and so I drove up there to watch my “sponsor” (we don’t have bosses, we have to call them sponsors but that makes me feel like I’m in AA) do a tasting.  It was a good experience and made me feel a lot more confident in having my business launches in two weeks.  I have actually never been to Cranston before, so on the way up I was just driving along when I noticed a sign for “Garden City Center.”  Then I saw smaller signs along the highway: “Chipotle.  Whole Foods.  Anthropologie.  Pink Berry.  Starbucks.”  Ummmmmm hello mall you are speaking my love languages!!!!!!!  lol

It really is a beautiful outdoor mall and if you live anywhere near Cranston, RI, I highly recommend  you go!  They have live music on Wednesdays nights in the summer, apparently, and my friend said in the winter they have caroling and stuff.  I felt like I was on vacation there, no joke.

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I stopped at Anthropologie on the way back from the tasting to look for knobs for our new kitchen island we found off Craigslist a month or so ago.  The knobs were all mis-matched so we knew we’d have to get new ones.   I found these knobs on clearance for $2.75 each and immediately fell in love with them (If you are gasping for air right now, Anthro knobs run anywhere between $8-$14 each so that really was a good deal :).  They SO do not match the island AT ALL and Chris keeps making fun of me but I told him I didn’t care; we don’t have a girl (yet!) and I’m in the kitchen all day sometimes and I deserve something that makes me happy to look at.  And they do. :) In case you can’t tell, they are PINK crystal. :)

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Thursday was an at-home day, just spent doing household things and spending lots of quality time playing with Luke.  On Friday I did more errands all morning and met my sister at Target (aka the happiest place on earth) and then had lunch with her.  She is moving to Nashville in September after she gets married, so I am trying to soak up every minute I can with her when she’s not working!

And, FINALLY, the weekend.  I spent the morning getting my bridesmaid dress hemmed at the seamstress and then ran up to a craft fair my friend Kathy was having (another blog you should read – you will want to be just like her when you grow up.  Or maybe that’s just me?! lol).  I ended up buying four of her ADORABLE flower pins for only $11 (the one with the pearl is dark purple even though it doesn’t look like it here) and then Kathy’s friend was selling burp cloths so I bought 3 for $5 for my bff’s baby boy due in August.  Linds I know you are never going to do this in a million years but look away now if you don’t want to see the burp cloths!  hahaha

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On the way home I was able to stop at a yard sale and picked up all these boy clothes for $7, plus a belt for me for 50 cents.  Yay!

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So anyway, WHEW here I am.  Hope the rest of your weekend is fabulously relaxing!

Come back MONDAY for a giveaway!! :)


  1. You are making me so jealous for New England. I loved when I lived in CT, and it was so much fun being able to go throughout the state in just a matter of hours... unlike PA where it seems to take forever to get from one place to the next. Someday I may just move back to CT... it really is a great place to live!

  2. hahaha LOVE the burp clothes friend, they are super cute :)

  3. Not sure about the world famous part but thank you for all your sweet words. We had a great time hanging out last week! Maybe we can get in some momma thrifting time before we move. :) I would enjoy that!

    p.s. Now you have me wanting to go to Cranston to hit up Anthro!!

  4. hey girl - thanks for your sweet comment. i'm so glad you get to be back home now. i do hope i will get to one day also! : )

    and what great deals. you are my kind of shopper. $5 for anything from jcrew is a complete steal. that is a fantastic pier 1 coup. go you!


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