I’m baaaaack! :) Are you guys loving the cooler weather?! (IS it cooler weather where you live yet?) Here in CT it’s that really nice time of year – evenings and mornings are a little chilly, but days are the jeans and t-shirt kind. My favorite. I have almost all my fall decorations set up, with a few tweaks here and there. I tend to decorate and then rearrange and fluff and move things around for a couple of weeks until I’m happy with the result – so that’s the stage I’m at now. Mostly done, with a little left to go. But it’s SO much fun for me. I love decorating for the seasons - not only does it give my house coziness, it also gives me a visual change every few months without breaking the bank. That makes me happy. :)
Anyway, on to my announcement, right? (No, I am not pregnant and we have not adopted yet – although PLEASE feel free to pray for our adoptive process! It is long and overwhelming and scary and we need ridiculous amounts of money. Thanks!)
{Okay and now after talking about adoption my announcement seems super lame, but whatever.}
A lot of you out there might read The Nester, or maybe Reluctant Entertainer? Anyway, there is a group of 8 women (some of my favorite bloggers) who routinely do a series each October called “31 Days….” (they fill in the blank depending on their personal blogging interests). This year they are opening up the “31 Days” series to any other blogger who has something they’d like to talk about.
I’ve decided that for the month of October, I’ll be doing a series called “31 Days to a Cleaner Diet.” (Except really it’s gonna be more like 22 days because I’m not holding myself to posting on Saturdays or Sundays.)
Clean eating is something I’m really passionate about, and I know from talking to friends that a lot people WANT to change their diet but think it’s too confusing, too expensive, too much work, etc.
{Clean Sloppy Joes – mmmmm!}
My goal for October is to provide you with information about clean eating so you feel more empowered to make positive changes, both in your own diet and in the diet of those you love.
Some days I will have informational posts, some days I will have recipes, and some days I might just have a great quote or even a video. I’m going to give you a peek into our fridge and freezer, and I’ve also been writing down what we eat on a daily basis for dinner so that you can see real-life, {mostly} clean menu planning as it works in our house.

{Clean Strawberry Breakfast Bars – seriously delicious!}
So here’s where YOU come in:
What would you like to see covered in this series? What questions do you have? What confuses or overwhelms you about eating healthy? What are some big changes you’d like to make, but aren’t really sure how to take the first steps toward them?
I’d love it if you shared your questions and interests with me in the comments section! (You can also always e-mail me at blessedlifeblog{at}gmail{dot}com.) I truly love talking about healthy, clean, whole eating habits and I’m very much looking forward to this!
Hopefully you are, too! :)
P.S. Follow this link to read all of the posts I’ve written so far that talk about clean eating.