Friday, April 6, 2012

The Mystery of What I Believe

I just finished a twelve-week online Bible study with friends that took us through the book of Ephesians. Throughout the book, Paul writes about the “mystery” of the Gospel.

I keep thinking about that word.

What I believe makes total sense and then no sense at all, depending on how you look at it.

Christianity is beautiful and miraculous and also weird and peculiar at times…I’ll totally admit that. God loves humans and wants to have a relationship with us. Beautiful. God created the world but also allows pain and suffering. Ugh. Awkward, complicated truth.

God sent Jesus to earth as a baby – fully man and fully human at the same time. Miraculous…and hard to process, mentally.

God sent His Son to die so that we could be at peace with God. Amazing and awe-inspiring…and a little odd, if I’m being totally honest.

We celebrate communion at church once a month to remember the body and blood of Christ that was given for us as a perfect sacrifice. Powerful, beautiful symbolism. Also? Slightly creepy taken out of context.

This faith that I have….it’s beautiful and odd and messy and life-giving all at once.

The awesome thing (to me) is that the Bible totally admits that to a non-spiritual person this won’t make any sense (1 Corinthians 2:14). It’s like, “Sweet, Bible, you get that you’re complicated. What a relief!”

All I know is that I can’t possibly fathom my life in any other framework. I believe…because to do otherwise would be denying everything I know in my heart and soul to be true.

This Easter season, my hope for all of you is that you would embrace the mystery and the wonder of the Gospel. We will not know the mind of God until we get to heaven…but until then we have “[our] hope as an anchor for the soul.” {Hebrews 6:19}

Happy Easter! And if your soul is not at peace and you want to talk to someone about it, please e-mail me (blessedlifeblog{at}gmail{dot}com.)

I’m going to leave you with a song I keep playing over and over lately. It’s “Alive” by Natalie Grant and the lyrics are amazing. Be blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I love Natalie Grant! Perfect song for this Easter weekend too. I too can't even imagine my life without Christ and what it would be like. I am grateful everyday for what he's done for me.
    Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend

    Andrea xo


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