
Friday, September 28, 2012

One Million and Counting!

Sometime last week – I think it was last Thursday the 20th? – this little blog of mine hit the 1,000,000 page-views mark.  For some of you with much bigger blogs, that is probably laughable (especially for someone who’s been blogging for 3 years!), but I felt like it was a pretty cool occasion for me nonetheless and I wanted to remember it. :)

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If you’ve been reading for any amount of time you know that I am a stay-at-home mom on a super tight budget.  It was my choice to leave my teaching job to stay home with Luke – and I have never regretted it – but sometimes (okay, really all the time) having a little extra money would be nice. 

Thanks to a certain post about shower mold (gross, I know!) that went viral on Pinterest – I feel like a dork saying that, but it’s had 816,744 views as of this morning (see? the rest of my blog really isn’t that popular!  lol), I have been earning some ad money.  This money is SUCH a huge blessing to me and my husband – it’s helping to pay for our weekend anniversary trip to Boston in two weeks.   

So I just wanted to say from the bottom of my heart:

THANK YOU for visiting, THANK YOU for reading, THANK YOU for commenting, and THANK YOU being such wonderfully kind and supportive readers!  

So far I’ve met two of you in real life (I really need to do a post on that!) and several others of you have been so encouraging through comments and e-mails that I just know we would be real-life friends if we ever got the chance to meet. 

Have a wonderful day!  It’s FRIDAY!!! :)


  1. Holy smokes! I'm up to 14519 as of right now and can not even imagine that! YAY for extra income and it's sweet how much you appreciate it!

  2. wowee!!!! Can you email me about how you make money from the blog? I have no idea about all that. thanks!

  3. Wow! So cool! And you deserve a little extra income. I know you enjoy the challenge of being thrifty and you're really good at it, but it is nice to get a little extra cash! Now if only something of mine could go viral on Pinterest. Ha!

  4. So happy for you. Mold happens for a reason. ;). You may as well make it work for you.

  5. it is easy to rate my blog according to the number of comments i receive or don't receive. I realized recently that that is ridiculous. then i recognized how many people have read my blog in the 5.5 years i have been blogging. i was humbled, as the Spirit pointed out the opportunity i (we) have to glorify him here.

    praying you continue to use your blog for his glory! he wants to do mighty things through his stories in you.


I'd love to hear from you! Comments make my day! :) I generally respond to comments right here on my blog. If you have a more specific question for me, you are always welcome to e-mail me at blessedlifeblog{at}gmail{dot}com.