
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Night Out ALONE {and Goodwill Finds}

Last Thursday night I had a complete mental breakdown when Chris came home.  I mean, the ugly cry and everything.  I was stressed out from potty training, from the demands of a newborn, from a house that never seems to get clean anymore and from the feeling that my days are so unproductive lately.  And then I started crying because I had been crying every night when he came home and who wants to come home to that?!  Lovely.  haha!

He calmly talked me down off the ledge and reminded me of my word for the year (“Survive” – practical and all, but how boring is that, seriously?!) and gave me an awesome, encouraging pep talk that seriously swung me in the other direction. And then he told me to go out. 

But by this time it was 5:50 and I don’t think I’d showered that day and there was no way I was using up my free night out card when it was going to be at least 6:30 by the time I left the house.  lol  So I went out on Friday.  And boy was I ready by the time he came home!  I was outta there. ;)

First I went to Panera and got a Greek salad (one of my faves!).  I’m pretty sure as soon as I sat down, my blood pressure dropped about 20 points.  lol  This was my status update when I got there:

“Currently at Panera - BY MYSELF!!!! Because my husband rocks. And also because after 3 weeks of potty training and getting up at night with a newborn, it was either this or Mommy was taking a nice long trip to Mexico. Til Christmas.” LOL 

I sat and ate my salad and checked my favorite blogs on the tablet and just took as long as I wanted!  It was fabulous.  Our local Panera is in a shopping mall with the grocery store and when I finished I contemplated going and getting groceries since we really needed some and I should be responsible…but then I decided to truly relax and take a night out for real and do just fun things.  So it was awesome.  I walked around Kohl’s because I still had a birthday gift card from my MIL, and then I headed down to Goodwill.  I had some really fun finds that night! 


Here’s what I got:

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I couldn’t pass up these girly little lamp bases for Livi’s room.  They need bulbs and shades but for $3.98 for the pair they had to come home with me!

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Her room is gray and white with pops of light pink and navy.  This is the third plate in this color I’ve found at this Goodwill!  So random – there’s no markings on the back of any of them.  I’m going to do a plate wall with them.  I don’t know what I’m going to do with the cup yet in her room, but I’ll think of something!  They were 99 cents each. 

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My best friend, Lindsay, totally got me started a year or two ago looking for vintage Pyrex.  It is SO fun to hunt for them.  It’s like a bizarre magnetic pull or something – if they’re in good shape and reasonably priced, I just have to snatch them up because finding them is so rare!  lol The juice pitcher was $2.99 and the little teacup was 99 cents. 

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A little close-up on the vintage teacup pattern:

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These two beauties were 99 cents each and they came home with me because their smooth, flat surface is perfect for doing-over with chalkboard paint!  They have hooks on the back for hanging and I’m totally going to make them beautiful again. ;)

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And lastly, these were just for fun.  Chris and I love the “Awkward Family Photos” website and oh my gosh, this book will make you laugh til you cry!  The magnets were only 99 cents and we’ve already had a lot of fun making crazy, ridiculous sentences on our fridge using cooking words.  haha

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It was a wonderful night out and I came home feeling so relaxed and refreshed.  It was seriously just what I needed!  I think it’s a necessity when you’re a mom, don’t you agree?! 

Anyone been thrifting lately and found something they love?  Anyone else collect vintage Pyrex?


  1. I'm so glad you got a night out by yourself! Sometimes I feel so selfish when I want to do that, but then I realize that it's best for my family if I can have some alone time. I always come back recharged and more in love with my husband and kiddos. Hang in there, Jessica! Life with two will get into a good rhythm one day, and those crying spells will become less and less. I know; I've been there.

  2. Having time to yourself is amazing! Glad you got to go out for a while. I love that juice pitcher. I think my mom had one with oranges on it when I was a kid. Would love to get my hands on it again.

  3. Yay for a night by yourself!! I love vintage Pyrex too! Great finds.

  4. this whole post is fabulous! woohoo for awesome Dads and great thrifty finds!

  5. Yay! You deserve it! Love you :)

  6. Oh my goodness, I LOVED this post! And I laughed so much because I SO KNOW THE FEELING of thisisjusttoomuchforme! The status you posted is too funny and too true. :) What a kind husband! I just had a day like this on Tuesday, and WOW was it just what I needed!! Yay for goodwill finds! Those are the best! :)

    Your post just under this about blog design... I don't know what all you're interested in, but etsy sells some cute templates for way cheaper than if you'd get someone to custom design. I'm in the process of moving my blog over to a new one and I was really happy with it!

  7. I feel so old ( LOL ) when you talk of stuff I used, as a young mom, not as a kid like vintage Pyrex lol


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