
Monday, July 22, 2013

10 Delicious Ways to Use Up Extra Squash And Zucchini!

10 Ways to Use Extra Zucchini - This Blessed Life 011


YOU GUYS!!!! I actually EDITED A PHOTO AND PUT IT ON MY BLOG!  hahaha!  This is a huge first for me.  So don’t laugh at how dark the photo is…or that it’s probably out of focus.  I am learning. 

Slowly.  But hey, I’m getting there. 

I figured around this time of the year, most people fall into one of two categories:  either a) you have zucchini falling out of your garden, and not enough time to use it all {aka us last year} or b) you have friends with zucchini falling out of their garden, and they are happily giving it to you {aka us this year, because we have awesome friends}.  I actually love the taste of zucchini and squash, so I thought it might be fun to do a compilation so that you can see the ways we like to cook it in our house! 

Enjoy! :)



Chocolate Zucchini Muffins from This Blessed Life

wedding and cedarville 089

- Okay, shameless plug for my own recipe – but these muffins are like eating chocolate cupcakes for breakfast.  All the zucchini dissolves while baking – you’d never in a MILLION years guess these were full of veggies! Chris and Luke get SO excited when I make them!



Zucchini Tots from The Curious Country Cook

Zucchini Tots by raylynntexas

{image via The Curious Country Cook}

- Only 5 ingredients and super yummy.  If you’re out of bread crumbs, or just want a clean option, you can follow my “recipe” here (just add Italian seasoning!).  You’d definitely want to triple or quadruple this for a family dinner, though – I ate 5 just myself. ;)

And we may or not be having this for dinner again tonight.  Two nights in a row.  They’re that good.



Cheesy Zucchini Pizza from Eat Live Run

{image via Eat Live Run}

- This pizza is DELECTABLE, FABULOUS, AWESOME, pick your adjective.  You won’t regret making it!

Zucchini Parmesan via Alicia’s Homemaking

{image via Alicia’s Homemaking}

- Nice vegetarian dinner option, and much easier (in my opinion!) than eggplant parm! 



Zucchini Sticks with Marinara 

I copied this years ago from a blog and don’t have the original link anymore.  (Sorry!!) But the great news is that you can use squash OR zucchini for this one!  Here’s the recipe for you:

1/3 C bread crumbs
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1/4 C Parmesan cheese
1 egg, beaten
4 small zucchini or summer squash, cut into short strips and pulpy centers removed

Combine dry ingredients in a shallow bowl.  Dip squash in egg, then in crumb mixture. 

Place on cookie sheet and bake at 450 for 20 minutes.  We like to serve ours with warm marinara sauce sprinkled with more Parmesan cheese!  Mmmm!



Cheesy Squash Casserole from Paula Deen

Picture of Cheesy Squash Casserole Recipe
{image via Food Network}

I made this once before when I had a ton of summer squash. It wasn’t my absolute favorite, but it was still tasty!  I didn’t use a vidalia onion, because all I had was a yellow one, so that might have affected the taste, as well. 




Zucchini Brownies from All Recipes

Zucchini Brownies Recipe
{image via All Recipes}

I’m having trouble finding the original brownie recipe I copied down years ago in the dark ages of 2007, but this is pretty similar.  I’d cut out the walnuts and the frosting, but that’s just me.  lol



Sauteed Zucchini and Squash

This is the way we always ate squash growing up – chopped into rings or small strips, often with a red bell pepper if my mom had one on hand.  Throw some olive oil in a pan and throw the squash on top.  Season with salt, pepper, minced garlic, and crushed red pepper if you like a little heat.  Cook on medium high until desired “doneness.” 

This is really good alongside burgers or grilled chicken!



And here are two more recipes that I’ve pinned but haven’t gotten the chance to try yet – they look awesome, though!

Zucchini Fritters from Alexandra’s Kitchen

zucchini fritters

{image via Alexandra’s Kitchen}

- She serves hers with homemade tzatziki sauce but I’m willing to bet they’d be pretty fabulous dipped in a little sour cream, too. ;)


Zucchini Chips from Vittles and Bits

{image via Vittles and Bits}

- Don’t these look so interesting?  They’re next on my list to try!


Hopefully this list inspires some of you!  What’s YOUR favorite way to cook these summer vegetables?  I’d love to hear – and if you have a link to share with me, even better! :)


  1. yay on your edited photo. I've edited some of mine, but I can't seem to get a handle on adding the text.

    great ideas, but I always just stick to sautéed. actually, I've added them to pasta recently for a change.

    1. Thank you! It was really, really easy to add the text, actually! I followed this tutorial to do it in Picassa:

      Believe me, I am THE most technologically-deficient person on the you know this must be really easy if even I was able to follow it! lol

      And I like the tip about pasta - thank you!

  2. I am new here by way of pinterest and the caulk mold pic. The pizza and chips look really yummy to me. One way I love fresh squash right from the garden is sautéed in alittle butter salt and pepper and (a lot) chopped fresh dill. Its amazing and so fresh tasting.

    1. Oooh, that sounds so good! I like to sprinkle dill on chopped cucumbers (cold) but I never thought to add it to a hot dish like squash. Something new to try, thanks! :)

  3. Thanks, Jessica, for posting the recipe for Zucchini Tots! My first try went really well (ate most of them!) The eggs I get are from a local egg lady and are pretty large, so I will adjust the proportion to 3 cups grated zucchini to 2 eggs next time. And, I think blending in some parmesean with the sharp cheddar will taste good. Going to make these tots with children. Thanks again -- Annette


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