
Friday, July 5, 2013

Summer Decorating Around Our House {2013}

Hey everybody!  Did you have a nice 4th of July?  I hope so!  We went to a parade in the morning and a picnic in the late afternoon.  I made deviled eggs and chocolate Coca-Cola cake – doesn’t get more American than that, right?!  It really was a lovely day.  Although it was hotter than…I don’t know what.  But it was ridiculous.  Every time I think I would love to live in the South I remind myself of how much I HATE humidity!   It does not do good things for or to me.  lol

Anyway, I thought I’d show you all my simple summer decorating this year!  When I was typing this post, the first thought that came to mind for a title was “My Summer House.”  HA! As if.  Maybe someday…but probably not. ;)

I have a “rule” for myself that any shells or ocean items in my house have to be actual things that I’ve collected from a real beach.  No fake shells for me.  I mean really, I live like 12 minutes from the beach so I have no excuse.  The only exception is starfish – I have a few of those around the house and I have honestly never once found one in all my beach trips over my lifetime.  So I bought a bag last year at Christmas Tree Shop.  ;) But that’s the only fake stuff you’ll see!  The rest is all legit. :)

{Oh and P.S. Yes the blog is still under construction!  Bear with me for a while! }


On top of the bookshelf…lantern and picture and cork jar all thrifted! 

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The little sailboat painting came in a different frame and I just popped it into a white-washed one for a more summery feel. 

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And I love the simplicity of white shells in a cork jar! 

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Driftwood and another corked jar (again, thrifted).  I love the look and texture of driftwood!  So fun and each piece is so different. 

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Over on the entry-way hutch…I’ve been using these pieces for years and love mixing them up a little with each new summer.  

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Driftwood is from my favorite place on earth…Mount Desert Island, Maine. 

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This was the first year I’ve made a little rag garland and I love it!  Seriously so easy to do from fabric scraps…I remember the Nester making these years ago and that’s where I got the idea. 


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Pinterest-inspired and used from last year – simple paper star garland in the hallway (sorry, it’s really dark!)

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More Pinterest-inspired crafts!  Luke and I had fun doing these together.  Although I’m totally the mom who says,  “Let’s do a craft, buddy!  It will be awesome!” and then realizes she doesn’t have half the materials actually needed to do it.  Hence why our crab is not walking anywhere near water (aka no blue paper) and has one lame little cloud above his head.  haha!

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He also made these watercolor fish during his last week of preschool.  I have them hanging in the dining room.  I love them!

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Our bathroom…again, it’s really dark in here (no windows if you remember!).  This “vingnette” (wow that sounds snooty) is actually my favorite in the whole house…but it’s so dark.  With flash and without flash.  Driftwood is real, starfish is the fake.  ;)

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Above la toilet…my brother gave me this giant shell years ago.  I think this will actually stay all year now. 

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I added starfish to the tray table I showed a few weeks ago. 

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Here’s what it actually looks like on a normal day…medications, coupons, amber teething necklace, paci, etc.  And etc.  And etc.  lol


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Last but not least, I HAD to share my most recent Pyrex acquisition: 

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Isn’t she BEAUTIFUL?!  I AM IN LOVE.  99 cents at the Salvation Army.  Lindsay and I went thrifting when she came to visit last weekend and I spotted her on a bottom shelf.  Love the summery vintage vibe! 


Well, there’s my house for the summer! Only 1 month and 26 days til I can decorate for fall!  hahahaha ;)


Summery house past links: 2010 & 2012.


  1. Aw, I love the framed prints in your bathroom. Are they printouts or did you buy then from a store?

    1. Thanks Alicia! You can find the fruits of the Spirit one here:

      (Use the link I have in the caption. It's free, yay! I also have a bunch more free printables on my "Free Printables" Pinterest board.)

      I no longer have a link to the "Rise and Shine" print, but you can buy a similar one at Jones Design Company here:

      Hope that helps! :)

  2. I love the crafts you did with Luke! So cute!

    That pyrex bowl is awesome! I just love old pyrex :)

    Hope you're having a good week!

  3. You did a good job on your summer decoration. I really like your tray table with the starfish!

  4. I keep coming back to your blog in between finishing up dishes and vacuuming.
    I must say, I am officially addicted! :)


    -Alicia M


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