
Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Word for 2014…And What I’m Planning to Do About It.

Yes, I AM aware that it’s 12 days into the new year and I’m just now sharing my word for the year! :) We spent the first 5 days of the year in Pennsylvania and then I got food poisoning and was down for the count for a day or two….last week was all about getting life back together and now here I am, feeling ready to officially start my year.  So that’s my explanation. :)

Picking a word for the year works so well for my brain because it becomes almost like my mantra for that year.  It helps me make wise decisions through the course of the 12 months and guides my actions.  Last year, knowing Olivia was coming at the end of January, my words were survive and thrive” and “embrace the unexpected.”  HA!  Little did I know how much I would need those simple words…especially after her diagnosis. 

Now that she is turning 1 next week {NEXT WEEK?!!!} I can say that with God’s grace and a WHOLE lotta help from our friends and family, we did survive last year…and I do feel like we are finally thriving in our new place as a family of four.  Life with kids is ever-changing, but now that Olivia finally sleeps through the night consistently {hallelujah, thank you Jesus}, our life is fairly orderly and organized…ish.  haha

So anyway, on to this year!  This word just kept popping in my head last fall…over and over and over again.  I’m not one to claim that God is actually speaking to me, but all I know is that I couldn’t ignore it. 

My word for this year is:


{Thanks to my friend Kathy for the great idea of writing out the word!}



And I have some very specific ways I’m hoping to put my word into action:

1.  Run my very first 5k {eeek!}
2.  Get back down to my pre-baby weight before Luke
3.  Blog at least once a week, with the goal being 2 blog posts a week
4.  {Along with Chris} Pay off some debt by May 1st, helped by budgeting, our tax return, and implementing a no-spend month in February.


1.  I HATE running.  Like haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate it.  Would literally rather do almost anything on earth.  But that’s precisely the reason I feel like I should do it.  Olivia made me realize how grateful I am for this body of mine that runs nearly perfectly – and pushing my body to do hard things is biblical {1 Corinthians 9:27}.  The race I’m going to do is in October and a friend said she will run it with me…even if I am slow.  I plan on using the Couch to 5k program once I start training. 

2.  I was about 5 pounds heavier when I got pregnant with Olivia than I was with Luke.  I want to get back down to that weight.  It’s a good weight for my body and will let me fit in nearly anything I want to wear.  Depending on the scale on a given day, that means I need to lose about 8 pounds.  It’s a very reasonable goal and I want to do it. 

3.  Blogging provides a {verrry} small but real source of income for my family.  I need to blog so that keeps happening. :) It’s never a matter of coming up with things to write – I always have blog ideas in my head – it’s just a matter of being disciplined and sitting down and getting it all out. 

4.  Back in January 2012 we did a no-spend month.  It was super successful at helping us pay down a small-business loan we had.  We’re implementing another one for the month of February.  More details to come but I’d love to have you join me! :)

Okay, so those are my goals for the year.  Praying for the strength to take on physical challenges, help my family financially, and be disciplined with blogging. 

I’m so excited!

P.S. Anyone else pick a word?  Share! :)

1 comment:

  1. Gasp! I feel we have so much to catch up on! OHMYWORD! C25K!!! You know my thoughts on that! Let me know if I can be a support in any way! Since you've been so busy, you probably haven't read my blog lately but I had a dud 2013 for working out and am redoing the C25K and want to recommit to a 5K again this year too! I'm glad you have someone to run with! Kim helped me to do my first! You need that so if she falls thru, let me know! So happy for you and love your word. Mine was self-discipline baby! Go us!!


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