
Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Day in My Life: October 7, 2014

Eleven months ago I did a "Day in the Life" post...and haven't done one since then!  Crazy!  

So yesterday I decided to document a day again...a very regular, very routine Tuesday....but I already enjoy going back to read my previous "Day in the Life" posts to see how much we've changed as a family, so I know I'll enjoy reading this one some day, too! 

Sorry about the photo formatting...I'm still having to use Blogger instead of Live Writer and I can't figure out photos here yet! 

6:45 am - This is when I am supposed to wake up.  Do I? Ummmm, no. You can see I'm already basically putting my best foot forward here.  Annnnd I forgot to plug my phone in again last night (Why can't I remember to do that?? Why does my brain forget this??).  Awe.some.

7:03 - I'm up for real now.  Not saying I like it, but I'm up.  Ha! 
I head straight to the shower since my kids miraculously aren't awake yet (thank you, extra-dark fall mornings!).  Chris is home and he's started coffee.  Bless him.

7:25 - I'm showered and's coffee time!! Fiiiiiinallly!! I'm on the Trim Healthy Mama plan so my coffee is with stevia now, not sugar.

7:30 - Luke is awake and quietly drinking his milk.  I can't find a straw anywhere so my 5-year-old is getting a toddler sippy cup.  I'm amazing.

7:35 - We pray with Luke about his day at school (he's been facing some struggles recently) and Chris leaves for work. I love, love, love the flexibility of this job he has now and how he can often see the kids before he leaves for work.  Such a blessing.

7:40 - Baby girl is up (way later than usual!!) and we're snuggled on the couch with her bottle.  Yup, she's 20 months old and takes her milk from a bottle still.  With Luke I packed away all his bottles after his first birthday because that's what you were "supposed" to do.  Now I know that it comforts her...and she drinks happily from a straw or sippy cups the rest of the day.  I realize now that it's sooo not a big deal. ;)

The bow is a small attempt to contain the mass of curls...Sister's bedhead is EPIC. :)

8:30 - Brother is safely on the school bus (A huge dog was running around the neighborhood scaring the daylights out of me (I'm terrified of dogs!!) and I was standing there at the door with him, wondering how on EARTH I was going to make it with my child safely to the school bus.  The dog stared at us from across the street but did not come close! Thank goodness we were okay! Ahhh! My heart was pounding!!)

Finally able to sip some more coffee....I've been awake for an hour and a half and I've only gotten about 2 sips so far! 

I fry up some eggs and onions for me and Liv and pull her next to me in the booster while we eat.  A friend of mine has linked to this groom dancing for his wife at their wedding and we watch this video together.  I can't help it - I'm mesmerized by people who can dance well!  Have you guys seen this?! It's seriously adorable.

Also? It's crazy to me how my kitchen is always spotless at night before bed and then it can look like this after breakfast (and Luke's lunch prep) in the morning.  Insane.

At this point the power randomly goes off for about 2 minutes and then comes back on....

I put my makeup on and do my hair while this cutie reads next to me  ;)

9:30 - We're ready to go do errands! My shirt and jeans are thrifted from the last few weeks - it's so fun to have new clothes, even if they're thrifted. ;) 

First stop - the bank to deposit a huge amount of checks from my Thirty-One party on Saturday night.  Yowsa! That's a good thing though. ;)  Liv is making sure I notice something outside the window (don't worry we were parked!!)


We head to Goodwill to see if they have any cute clothes (I have way more time than money, so I've been trying to pop into Goodwill once a week to browse for clothes to build my fall wardrobe.  Now that I've finallllly lost all of my baby weight from Liv (Hallelujah!!) I need more clothes (I didn't buy hardly anything last fall since I was still a little fluffy.  lol)

No luck with clothes, but I do snag this cute little frame for her room and two white milk-glass dishes.  All 3 things for $1.48 total! Yay!

Next up is the grocery store and Livi nearly hyperventilates when she gets her cookie.  Such a shame she has zero personality... ;) 

12:30 pm - We're back home! And the car is mostly unloaded.  I get Livi some lunch and she eats while I put food away.  She gets down but still munches on her pretzels, and we take some silly photos.  And then I lay her down for her nap.

12:53 - Finally...lunch for me!! I'm starving at this point, so I make up a SUPER fast wrap using leftover beans and brown rice (an E meal on THM) and take a few minutes to browse through my Thirty-One magazine for consultants.  

1:03 - I finish lunch, put the rest of the groceries away, and continue to work on my party order from Saturday.  I like to triple-check everything, especially monogrammed items.  Happy customers are my priority!  I call Lindsay to ask her about a Christmas order she's putting in and we end up talking for about an hour.  I clean the kitchen while I talk to her.  I hang up with her, check some e-mails, pick up around the house, and then Amber calls to chat for a little while, too.  

3:20 - Luke is home! yay!  He is TRHILLED that I've picked up Oreos for him while he's at school -  they were on sale, whoo hoo!) He tells me he made Mickey Mouse. :) 

He settles in to color (his most favorite thing ever - it relaxes him) and I make myself a quick THM chocolate coffee shake and work on Gideon - I'm doing this in Women's Bible Study this fall and loving it!!

I get a texted order on my phone to add to the party, so I add it and then input payments while Luke colors.  Livi is still sleeping!! Small miracle. 

Luke's moved on to cutting (which is great for him because he has fine motor issues) and I finally click "Send" on the order screen...hold my went through!! Whoo hoo!! Another party in the books. ;) 

4:30 - Liv is up and she's subdued with milk.  I let the kids watch Peppa Pig while I make dinner.  I was going to make Cheeseburger Pie but this chicken sausage was on sale at the store today, so I'm making this instead.  I chop the sausage and then fry it up with onions (mmmm smells so good!) and serve it with salad.  Chris and Liv eat a baked potato with their portions.  

5:15 - We eat. :) 

5:40 - We're done with dinner and it's on to the dishes while Chris plays "Mystery" (a game Luke created) with the kids.  It's so mundane but I take a literal step back from doing the dishes and I "choose gratitude" that we have delicious healthy food to eat and that I have a husband who loves his children so much.  

6:30ish - Chris gives the kids baths and I make myself one of my FAVORITE THM desserts: Cheesecake Berry Crunch. MMMMmmmm!! So good.  We do jammies, stories, and bedtime routines.  

7:45  - Liv is down for the night (normally it's 7, but tonight it's late since she woke up so late!) 

8:00 - Luke is down for the night too.  

8:20 - Luke cries because he wants it to be morning already and the darkness to go away. (Ha!)  Go in and talk to him.  My MIL calls to talk to Chris and I briefly.

8:30 - Send an e-mail to Luke's teacher about an issue we're dealing with at school and have Chris read it too to make sure I worded everything the right way.  

8:45 - Ahhhh, finally!! I make some vanilla herbal tea (not because I like tea but because it's warm and calorie-free! Ha!) and settle down to watch the latest Parenthood online.  Chris works next to me on his laptop at the kitchen island but is close enough to hear and laugh at the funny parts (umm, Crosby).


I browse Facebook when it's over. 

10:30 - I realized I start and end my days with this coffeepot!  Haha! Our favorite blend is Starbucks' Pike Place Roast.  We both like to inhale the beans at night when they're going in to the filter.  LOL

10:41 - Goodnight world! 

And there you have very ordinary, very regular day.  

God is good. 
